Why treating yourself is SO important?

Hello you lovely people!Today's post is quite a bit different to what I usually post but I feel like it's a very important one and hopefully it may help some of you...
Recently,I have been thinking a lot more about myself(this may sound quite rude but I'm not trying to make sound like that).I personally always like to treat other people,whether it's a family member or a friend,I always just like to give them a little something,spend some time with them and show them some love,I'm sure many of you out there are like me too...
However,we never really think about ourselves,just other people.It is good to think about others but thinking about yourself and treating yourself is SO important.
Why treating yourself is SO important?
•It reminds us of how amazing we are
•It brings more positivity into our life
•It makes us much more happier as a person
•It gives you a positive mindset
•We need to reward ourselves
So recently,I have decided that I am going to try treating myself a bit better.This does not just mean that I'm going to go out and buy myself a new laptop,a new camera,some new shoes,and lots of new makeup.I may go out and buy myself a little something but there are many more simpler things that you could do.
How can you treat yourself?
•You could have a nice pamper evening.Where you have a lovely bath,paint your nails,and so on...
•You could treat yourself to a little something.For example buying yourself a new lipstick.
•You could have have a chilled evening.Where you watch a movie,have some snacks,maybe read a book after that and just relax and take everything off your mind.

•You could simply have a lie in,don't set yourself an alarm,wake up whenever you want to.
•You could buy yourself a nice bunch of flowers.
•You could make yourself a special breakfast that you can have in bed

There are many more things that you could do but these were just some of my ideas...
So,that is the end of this blog post,I tried to make this one as short as possible so you didn't get bored reading it.However,I do still have one more thing to say...
I have a challenge for all of you,this week you all have to treat yourself.Whether it will be only to a little thing or a bigger thing.Make yourself feel special.


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